i anint been out of my house for ages well i have but ive been drawing so much oh yeah where is it as you always post up drawings ....fuck off i swear soon i will put up more drawings then you can shake a stick at here are some photos of a ramp i skate in bolivia its funny as thay look like post cards the ramp was built next to an inca ruin when the ramp was built thay dug up 6 inca skulls anyway ive been drawing a lot of ships as ive been researching my grandfarthers history in the navi serving a a main captin for a navial marine in world war 2 and reading a lot about wild west and alchemy thats all i aint skated for ages as im not to intrested in skateboarding but im going to the witchcraft jam on sunday at kings park which should be really good also i saw french the other day and he gave me a load of frames for a show i have work in coming up so thank you french over and out dan dare