OK I've just seen gremlins as i just have never bothered watching it i think its a real good film and have fallen in love with it well there is a gizmo on my desk kicking it right now

fuck when i was a kid i never had any friends so after school i used to go to the video shop on my own everyday just to look at all the horror films there was so many good painted covers now all film posters are shit
but this one i always remember because somebody had ripped it in half redrew it and placed it back in the cover which to me as a kid was the coolest thing ever

my brother showed this to me when i was a kid we used to have it on betermax the case was massive this was not the same case we had but its one of the best horror films ever .....well slashers ever
so anyway I'm going to post up some drawings soon also there has been some new road kill shits out and the new zines is out issue 9 email for a copy
i feel wired I've lost Jenn Reid its good to be able to hang out with Dan and the whitstable wrecking crew again i haven't been updating as i don't really feel like it....
my horror film collection is getting massive here is some stuff not to do with anything or really to do with everything as its shaped my life