Friday 22 March 2013


my article in the new issue of sidewalk also worth checking out is my good mate and unbelievable skateboarder Jo Howard's first light Jo is one of the most amazing and talented skateboarders i know, he can do anything better then you will ever able to

Thursday 14 March 2013


i was clearing some stuff out and come across these prints there test prints for my book that got released so there very limited there £15.00 including p-p

if you want one be quick as there are only a few
email me


just did this jay adams interview in the new kingpin stoked also ate here last night fucking rad

Monday 11 March 2013

the west

over the last week my friend and i drove thaw whole of the west coast, we stopped off at every gorge, cove, forest and natural piece of architecture you could imagine. we spent near a week solid on a roads and country lanes to see some of the most amazing countryside we stayed weigh joxa in bristled which is always rad our friend amy in conrwall and i even got to spend my birthday with tom hudd,trawler and the most amazing girl in the world which was fucking rad. and trawler was also kind enough to give me a zorlac print for my birthday rad