Thursday 27 December 2012


hoboing hitching living the best way

as if the year is over its been a crazy one well.....we still got a week or so im real stoked here are some photos showing the radish bits of the year as if anyone cares as if i care its been rad i have lived where ever i can for the last 8 months staying on floors cars hallways skateparks car parks hitchhiked jumped trains coaches and even the odd boat here and there hoboing is the way forwards im not at my mums house in kent for 2 days then to jake snellings to live in an old used warhorse for the first month of the new year for ever nowhere


my jim the skin article in the new sidewalk get a copy and support british skateboarding also just did these playing cards for eyeball magazine that come out real nice you can get a set here for all them lonely nights of solitude


i just spent some time in ireland with phill evens is was real good i got to see the amazing wicklow mountains hang out with rich gillian skate loads of good stuff and have a reel good time thanks everyone that drove skated took the piss and played rich kavanagh

colour magazine canada

just had this small interview in colour skate magazine stoked

Thursday 6 December 2012

vice magazine

i just did some work for vice which can be seen in the new issue so pick up a copy.....well if you want rad rad rad


venice 1986

Monday 12 November 2012

craig scott's head exploding terror

a few nights ago was the launch for my new book it was a real fun night a bunch of books sold some got nicked...(nice one dickheads) loads of beer got drank a fair few pretty girls where there it was rad anyway the book is now out and alivable from a bunch of different places so get a copy i got a few if you email me or get a copy from here oh yeah i got a small show in the bottom of beach so go check that out swell untill the 18th or here rad thanks to everyone that helped and turned up all at beach and ditto rad rad rad

Monday 29 October 2012

ditto press book launch

Please join us at Beach on Cheshire Street on Thursday 8th November to scab free drinks, stand outside smoking and talk about maybe buying a copy of Craig Scott's brand new book, "Head Exploding Terror," published by Ditto Press. Craig Scott is an illustrator and skater, representing Heroin Skateboards. His shared love of trashy horror films with the staff at Ditto gave rise to this collection of imaginary movie posters, drawn in layers by hand and expertly stencil printed in-house at Ditto Press. Revel in the visual delights of "Nuclear Disfigurement" and "Psycho Brain", and enjoy the nostalgic feeling of browsing through videos in the local 7-eleven, guessing what ghoulish frights the films would provide. To top it all off, the book cover is foil blocked and wrapped in a silver card 4-colour screen printed jacket. Beach London 20 Cheshire Street, E2 6EH London,

Tuesday 16 October 2012

confusion magazine

i'm stoked i just did this shirt graphic for confusion magazine you should buy one as the mag is fucking rad get one here

Sunday 14 October 2012


here are my 2 now and then articles for sidewalk stoked its really inportant that you support skateboard magazines and not just relie on the internet keep skateboarding ours and not theres on a last note im just staying at my mums and spending any spare time achriving and ordering my sticker collection.............what a waste of time


when i was away i stayed with the ba.ku guys and they got me on gullwing which is a fucking honour or as some of the best skateboardrs ever rode for gullwing lee raplph,gator,jasson jesse stoked i got all this good stuff when i went to visit them which was rad stoked

u.s.of a 2 the revenge

u.s of the a

rad i just got back from the states it was fucking rad so much good stuff happened got to hang out with loads of rad people there was loads of old fire trucks, epic spots,drew merrimen, meet up with the scottlands finest adam paris, pretty girls, old wooden schools? john mhas boards fucking hell to much rad stuff got to meet a lot of my heros and go skateboarding everyday thats all rad rad rad to

Sunday 7 October 2012

oh yeah stoked on this

fucking rad.....

me and fos went to a swap meet today (American car butty) i have never seen so much good stuff in one place in all my life fucking hell........old toys punk records madrid stickers the lot it was like a dream for the last say 10 years i wanted a clapping monkey got on to day (mind you it is broke and stinks of piss) sick head here are just a few gems i got before i nearly had a heart attack i wish dan singer and jake snelling were with me

Tuesday 2 October 2012

john lucero

this morning my good friend compton drove down to blitz where black label are and i got the chance to interview my favorite skateboarder of all time john lucero the interview was supposed to be 15 minutes but turned out to be an hour and a half. tales of neil blender Ricky Barnes silk screen printing at Madrid getting ripped off fuck its the best interview i have ever done and i cant believe that i got to hang out with one of my biggest idol and go through all the archives of lucero history FUCKING STOKED....

Saturday 1 September 2012

what do you expect to happen around here...

i got to interview mike vallely which was rad as i have always been a big fan here is the interview in four parts check out for the rest

Wednesday 22 August 2012

oh yeah......

got to meet andy roy he was fucking rad then we went to delux and hung with him again stoked....

don't look over my shoulder

right so we skated burnside which was fucking rad portland was rad as fuck every local was rad and i got to meet the and only pat q man quirk stoked if you dont know who he is you should

Sunday 5 August 2012

rad rats

we have been in cananda for about a week its real rad here got to meet art goody i got all the goat man info spent a few days at this amazing lake which i don't know how to spell the name off it was amazing to see the side of canada you only dream about water falls snowy mountains the lot ha stoked but now we are back in Vancouver for skateboard destruction h